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Your desktop on the Metanet


Mission Statement


APP Store






News Aggregator


Social Marketplace


Collaborative Work


Art & Tech Showcase

Coming Soon


Media & Entertainment

Coming Soon


Courses & Tutorials

Coming Soon


Gaming & Competitions

Coming Soon


AGORA is a public square for the 21st. Century.

With the advance of Metanet a new world is being born. A world where users own their data and there is a single engine for all applications.

AGORA is the bridge between these applications.
AGORA is the unbuilt negative space between the symbolic buildings that hold a primary function in our new onchain society.

In its present form, AGORA is an http-based prototype but ultimately all data will be stored onchain.

Based on MoneyButton's Unique Identity System, you will be able to swipe to sign up and log in.  Swipe to upload your profile pic onchain and we will reference it on your profile page, private or public.  On your private profile page you will be able to have your customized desktop experience with your favorite shortcuts and bookmarks, with access to your favorite wallet and your favorite content.

So we're creating a collaborative database for news feeds and applications, a meta-app.

Think of it as BottleOS, your homepage on the Metanet. It's an app store or library, it's an operating system. Log in from anywhere from any device and you're at home, onchain, with your wallet and your apps, secured by your private key.


Building the Infrastructure

Most symbolic buildings around the square either public or private are unaware of the square, however for the square to function it needs a certain infrastructure and for this reason we are creating a few native apps as a way to organise functionality and space in our virtual city.

AGORA Native Apps

APOTEKA is the app library, the app store, the aggregator of API calls. Click here and you're running apps that are interacting with the blockchain.

FORUM is where important ideas are discussed. Swipe to post, swipe to upvote or downvote but unlike Reddit, the topics are threaded to a tree-like structure, our little tree of knowledge. This way we can't have r/btc and r/bitcoin with two parallel echo-chambers of truth that never confront each other. We can't have a topic for oncology sponsored by the tobacco industry and have another thread maintained by oncologists. If climate change deniers want to state their truth, they can, but they need to do so on the Climatology thread. We create an epistemological tree of knowledge.

BIBLIOTEKA is a database for useful resources for devs, designers, researchers and more.

MERCATO is a peer to peer marketplace for goods and services. It can also aggregate and link to other stores and services such as Fivebucks for example increasing their exposure to users of Agora

CHRONIKA is not a newspaper but the news stand; a collaborative news aggregator that allows for user submitted rss feeds and videos feeds relating both to BSV news and World News.

THEATRO is a center for media, video feeds, entertainment, apps like bitstagram or streamanity. We will embed or link to, not produce content. Users can also submit their own links.

OLYMPIA aggregates links for gaming such as onchain Mario Bros, Piano Player, Chess, and other games.

GALLERIA is a space for showcasing our industry's latest developments, new featured apps, art onchain, new experiences that we can expose our users to.

UFIZZI is a space for collaborative work based on 3 types of data: People, Projects and Tasks (Jobs). Users can submit job offers to a job board, users can browse these listings for people, projects and jobs and work together by communicating, exchanging files and transacting.

ACADEMIA is where users can post free and paid courses and tutorials using FORUM, BIBLIOTEKA and APOTEKA as shared libraries.

our mission

A catalyst for change

We believe that by connecting users, data and applications we can create a domino effect and enable and empower developers to reach an exponentially greater audience.

The goal of AGORA is not to replace third-party applications but to help bring traffic to them. To be a catalyst for an ever growing number of onchain transactions, not necessarily within our app but within the ecosystem as a whole.

Ultimately, AGORA is an aggregator of API calls. Some of them will make use of http resources and some will make use of onchain resources. Some will use both.

AGORA is a hybrid http frontend for onchain assets.


Your contribution is important

You can help us by feeding the database, submitting content, signing up and inviting friends.

Make sure to follow us on Twitter, make a donation.

If you're a developer, help us integrate your app, help us create new pages or transfer more assets and functionality onchain. Help us understand how your product could help us.

If you're a contributor already, thank you.